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Standard Objects

In the world of JavaScript, everything is an object.

However, some objects are a bit different from others. To distinguish between object types, we use the typeof operator, which always returns a string:

typeof 123; // 'number'
typeof 123n; // 'bigint'
typeof NaN; // 'number'
typeof 'str'; // 'string'
typeof true; // 'boolean'
typeof undefined; // 'undefined'
typeof Math.abs; // 'function'
typeof null; // 'object'
typeof []; // 'object'
typeof {}; // 'object'

You can see that number, bigint, string, boolean, function, and undefined differ from other types. Note that the type of null is object, and the type of Array is also object. Thus, typeof cannot distinguish between null, Array, and the usual object {}.

Wrapper Objects

In addition to these types, JavaScript also provides wrapper objects. If you’re familiar with Java, you know the ambiguous relationship between int and Integer.

number, boolean, and string all have corresponding wrapper objects. In JavaScript, strings distinguish between string types and their wrapper types. Wrapper objects are created using new:

let n = new Number(123); // Creates a new wrapper type
let b = new Boolean(true); // Creates a new wrapper type
let s = new String('str'); // Creates a new wrapper type

Although wrapper objects appear identical to the original values, their type has changed to object. Therefore, comparing wrapper objects and primitive values using === will return false:

typeof new Number(123); // 'object'
new Number(123) === 123; // false

typeof new Boolean(true); // 'object'
new Boolean(true) === true; // false

typeof new String('str'); // 'object'
new String('str') === 'str'; // false

Thus, avoid using wrapper objects, especially for string types!

What happens if you use Number, Boolean, and String without new?

In this case, Number(), Boolean(), and String() are treated as regular functions, converting any type of data to number, boolean, and string types (note that these are not their wrapper types):

let n = Number('123'); // 123, equivalent to parseInt() or parseFloat()
typeof n; // 'number'

let b = Boolean('true'); // true
typeof b; // 'boolean'

let b2 = Boolean('false'); // true! The string 'false' converts to true because it is a non-empty string!
let b3 = Boolean(''); // false

let s = String(123.45); // '123.45'
typeof s; // 'string'

Is your head spinning yet? This is the unique hypnotic charm of JavaScript!


Here are a few rules to follow:

  1. Do not use new Number(), new Boolean(), or new String() to create wrapper objects.
  2. Use parseInt() or parseFloat() to convert any type to number.
  3. Use String() to convert any type to string, or call an object's toString() method directly.
  4. Typically, you don’t need to convert any type to boolean for checking; you can write if (myVar) {...} directly.
  5. The typeof operator can identify number, boolean, string, function, and undefined.
  6. To check for Array, use Array.isArray(arr).
  7. For null, use myVar === null.
  8. To check if a global variable exists, use typeof window.myVar === 'undefined'.
  9. To check if a variable exists inside a function, use typeof myVar === 'undefined'.

Finally, you may note that every object has a toString() method, but null and undefined do not! This is indeed the case; these two special values are exceptions, although null disguises itself as an object type.

More observant readers will point out that calling toString() on a number can throw a SyntaxError:

123.toString(); // SyntaxError

In such cases, handle it specially:

123..toString(); // '123', note the two dots!
(123).toString(); // '123'

Don't ask why; that's just the fun of JavaScript coding!

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