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Browser Objects

JavaScript provides access to various browser objects for interaction and manipulation. Here are the key ones:


The window object serves as the global scope and represents the browser window. You can get the internal dimensions using innerWidth and innerHeight, which exclude UI elements like menus. Use outerWidth and outerHeight for the entire window size. Compatibility: Not supported in IE<=8.

console.log('window inner size: ' + window.innerWidth + ' x ' + window.innerHeight);

The navigator object holds information about the browser. Key properties include:

  • navigator.appName: Browser name.
  • navigator.appVersion: Browser version.
  • navigator.language: Language setting.
  • navigator.platform: Operating system.
  • navigator.userAgent: User-Agent string.
console.log('appName = ' + navigator.appName);

Note: navigator values can be modified by users, making version checks unreliable.


The screen object provides information about the user's screen:

  • screen.width: Screen width in pixels.
  • screen.height: Screen height in pixels.
  • screen.colorDepth: Color depth in bits.
console.log('Screen size = ' + screen.width + ' x ' + screen.height);


The location object represents the current page's URL. You can retrieve components like protocol, host, and pathname:

console.log(location.protocol); // 'http'

Use location.assign() to load a new page or location.reload() to refresh the current page.


The document object represents the current page and serves as the root of the DOM tree. You can change the document title dynamically:

document.title = 'Learn JavaScript!';

To find DOM nodes, use methods like getElementById() and getElementsByTagName().

let menu = document.getElementById('drink-menu');


The history object stores the browser's session history. You can navigate back and forward using history.back() and history.forward(). For modern applications, use history.pushState() to manage history with AJAX-loaded content:

history.pushState(state, '', newUrl);


Common browser objects include:

These objects enable developers to interact with the browser environment effectively.

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