Finding and Filtering
Typically, selectors can directly locate the elements we want, but once we have a jQuery object, we can also search and filter based on that object.
The most common search is to find all child nodes of a particular node using the find()
method, which accepts any selector. For example, given the following HTML structure:
<ul class="lang">
<li class="js dy">JavaScript</li>
<li class="dy">Python</li>
<li id="swift">Swift</li>
<li class="dy">Scheme</li>
<li name="haskell">Haskell</li>
To use find()
let ul = $('ul.lang'); // Get <ul>
let dy = ul.find('.dy'); // Get JavaScript, Python, Scheme
let swf = ul.find('#swift'); // Get Swift
let hsk = ul.find('[name=haskell]'); // Get Haskell
To search upwards from the current node, use the parent()
let swf = $('#swift'); // Get Swift
let parent = swf.parent(); // Get the parent node <ul> of Swift
let a = swf.parent('.red'); // Get the parent node <ul> while applying a filter condition. If <ul> doesn't match, returns an empty jQuery object.
To access sibling nodes at the same level, use next()
and prev()
methods. For example, after obtaining the Swift node:
let swift = $('#swift');; // Scheme'[name=haskell]'); // Empty jQuery object because the next element Scheme doesn't match the condition [name=haskell]
swift.prev(); // Python
swift.prev('.dy'); // Python, because Python also matches the filter condition .dy
Similar to the map
and filter
functions in functional programming, jQuery objects have analogous methods.
The filter()
method can remove nodes that do not match the selector condition:
let langs = $('ul.lang li'); // Get JavaScript, Python, Swift, Scheme, and Haskell
let a = langs.filter('.dy'); // Get JavaScript, Python, Scheme
You can also pass a function to filter()
. Note that the this
inside the function refers to the DOM object, not the jQuery object:
let langs = $('ul.lang li'); // Get JavaScript, Python, Swift, Scheme, and Haskell
langs.filter(function () {
return this.innerHTML.indexOf('S') === 0; // Returns nodes that start with S
}); // Get Swift, Scheme
The map()
method converts the DOM nodes in a jQuery object into other objects:
let langs = $('ul.lang li'); // Get JavaScript, Python, Swift, Scheme, and Haskell
let arr = () {
return this.innerHTML;
}).get(); // Use get() to retrieve an array of strings: ['JavaScript', 'Python', 'Swift', 'Scheme', 'Haskell']
Additionally, if a jQuery object contains multiple DOM nodes, the first()
, last()
, and slice()
methods can return a new jQuery object, omitting unnecessary nodes:
let langs = $('ul.lang li'); // Get JavaScript, Python, Swift, Scheme, and Haskell
let js = langs.first(); // JavaScript, equivalent to $('ul.lang li:first-child')
let haskell = langs.last(); // Haskell, equivalent to $('ul.lang li:last-child')
let sub = langs.slice(2, 4); // Swift, Scheme, parameters are similar to the array's slice() method
For the following form:
<form id="test-form" action="#0" onsubmit="return false;">
<p><label>Name: <input name="name"></label></p>
<p><label>Email: <input name="email"></label></p>
<p><label>Password: <input name="password" type="password"></label></p>
<p>Gender: <label><input name="gender" type="radio" value="m" checked> Male</label> <label><input name="gender" type="radio" value="f"> Female</label></p>
<p><label>City: <select name="city">
<option value="BJ" selected>Beijing</option>
<option value="SH">Shanghai</option>
<option value="CD">Chengdu</option>
<option value="XM">Xiamen</option>
<p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>
After entering values, use jQuery to retrieve the JSON string of the form, where the keys and values correspond to each input's name
and its respective value
, for example: {"name":"Michael","email":...}
let json = ???;
// Display result:
if (typeof(json) === 'string') {
else {
console.log('json variable is not a string!');