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History of JavaScript

To understand JavaScript, we must first revisit its origins.

In 1995, Netscape was the most famous first-generation internet company, launching the Web era with its Navigator browser. To add dynamic effects to static HTML pages, Netscape asked Brendan Eich to design JavaScript in just two weeks—remarkably, he completed it in only ten days.

Why is it called JavaScript? At that time, Java was very popular, and Netscape wanted to leverage Java's fame for promotion. However, aside from some syntax similarities, JavaScript and Java have little in common.


After Netscape developed JavaScript, Microsoft quickly created JScript as a counterpart. To establish JavaScript as a global standard, several companies collaborated with ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers Association) to define the JavaScript language standard, known as ECMAScript.

In simple terms, ECMAScript is a language standard, while JavaScript is Netscape's implementation of that standard.

Why wasn’t JavaScript established as the standard name? Because it is a registered trademark of Netscape. However, we commonly use the term JavaScript; if you encounter ECMAScript, you can simply think of it as JavaScript.

JavaScript Versions

JavaScript was designed in just ten days, and despite the designer's skills, the rush led to many design flaws, which we will discuss later. Moreover, as ECMAScript continues to evolve, the latest version, ECMAScript 6 (ES6), was officially released in June 2015. When discussing JavaScript versions, it essentially refers to which version of the ECMAScript standard it implements.

Since browsers determine the JavaScript version at release, and many users still operate outdated browsers like IE6, it’s crucial to consider older users when writing JavaScript. Using the latest ES6 features outright may render the code incompatible with older browsers.

However, the core syntax of JavaScript has not changed significantly. Our tutorial will cover the essential uses of JavaScript first, followed by the new features introduced in ES6.

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